Friendship Connections
In this section you can find the links to the relevant websites and/or social medias related to Rapha’s Friendship present network.
The section will be updated regularly. Please, let us know if you wish to take part in this network.
Immigrant Swing
This used to be the Facebook page of Immigrant Swing until 2017.
The page has been named after IMMIGRANT SWING FAMILY in 2018 and has been regularly used by the band until 2021.
You can find here the original posts of the band (both IMMIGRANT SWING & IMMIGRANT SWING FAMILY) before the launch of their new album, CRISIS.
ImmigrantS JAMMS
This is the ‘small sister” of the IMMIGRANT SWING FAMILY BAND, now regularly performing at the Plough, in Easton.
Fellow musicians & THEIR BANDS
Jack Calloway
Rapha was sometimes playing in different Jack Calloway’s bands, such as The Prohibition Jazz Band, Chantilly (see records), The Jack Calloway Dance band…
now, Jack Calloway & The Midnight Creepers
Joseph Trudgeon
Stewie William Passemore
Pasquale Votino
Jay Singh
Stuart Oliver & Elly Hopkins
Guillaume Ottaviani
Greg Sterland
Paolo Adamo
Thimothy Funnel
Alex Taylor
The Zero Band Jazz Trio used to play gypsy jazz, with : Alex Taylor (violin), Federico Leonori (double bass) and Jim Blomfield (keys)
Alex Bower
Florian Garcin
David Mowat
Alex Veitch
PRSC is a Bristol Social Enterprise based around the idea of encouraging/empowering the general public to take a more active part in the built environment through the arts.
Parco Jalari - EspressivaMente Festival
Espressivamente is an annual Festival taking place in this important location in Barcellona, Sicily. For the next editions, we hope to have artists from Bristol.