Art Exhibition in tribute to Raphael Dufresne
The Art Exhibition in tribute to Raphael Dufresne, GOING BACK TO THE BARE ESSENTIAL, was open at the PRSC Space from the 10th to the 12th of April 2018.
The exhibition featured :
two videos on Rapha music and life
a full sized reproduction of his studio created by the PRSC artists for this event
Manuela Martines art work showing brightly coloured visual constructions inspired by Raphael's childwood dreams
A piece of artwork by Cecile Donato Supama on the theme of Raphael Travelogue
Raphael's childhood dreams
I have put my work in my suitcase and have flown to Bristol.
Like the Sicilian storytellers, who draw, unroll and recount, then roll everything back and leave for another destination, here I will unroll, recount, re roll and go away.
It is my tribute to Raphael. The 'deeds' that I am telling you are those of the superheroes dreamed of by him at the age of 5 and diligently annotated by his father, Bernard.
In order to capture the immediacy (outrightness?) of the child's drawing, convinced as I am that the "medium is the message", I have asked (serched?) for help from the children and young boys and girls (youngsters?) who are closest to me. The collaboration has been enlightening, as it is always when you dive into other worlds: the point of view of childhood and adolescence is like navigation on sight, the goal is there and easy to reach because you see it.
A collective work was born, perfectly in line with the principles of adult Raphael.
My collaborators have been little Margherita (“some lions”), my nephew Alessandro (the super heroes), a “special” pupil Davide (“the lions and the big lionesses” and “the unfortunate children encountered in the pitch by Rapha / Batman”). My sister Irina, with extraordinary sartorial skills, sewed the parrot.
I simply unrolled the story and organized the narrative composition. I added three-dimensionality with the tracing paper and I defined the various scenes, like in the comics, by using the coloured tissue paper, commonly employed in kindergartens.
The spatial depths given by tracing paper, does also reveal, as Masaccio teaches, the temporal sequence of the scene.
This is a work in progress: if you wish to leave (here or in the Rapha web site) a trace of your dreams, we will be glad to tell your story next time and share it with friends.
Manuela Martines
Bristol, 11 April 2018
The robot
Raphael is a robot.
His boss is a magic spider.
When he throws his fists skyward, rocket engines light up under his feet and propel him into the air.
But all this is possible only thanks to the invisible shield (which represents a spider) that the chief carries on his chest.
Sunday 29/01/1995
The Lions
In believing to recognize the voice of his dad (in reality it was a joke of his friend the little man), Raphael fell into a subterranean and lions played with him as with a ball that they ironed one another. 'other.
Then he fell into a new underground (in which there was no voice anymore).
In this subterranean were other lions. So he tied firecrackers at the tail.
When they exploded the lions got scared and ran away.
Friday 03/02/1995
Raphael and the parrot
Raphael was in a big banana field. He had picked some of them. But a parrot had stolen them.
Fortunately after a while, the parrot fell asleep and Raphael took them back.
Wednesday, February 15, 1995.
The elephants
Raphael made a trip on the back of a young elephant, who was traveling on his daddy's back.
After making a mistake, they arrived at the city.
All the elephants are arranged in an arc around the general. They had to lift their trunk in front of him.
It was then that the elephant general gave a blow to the young elephant because he did not lift his trunk well.
Fortunately, Raphael explained to the general that the young elephant had done nothing wrong and they were reconciled.
Tuesday, March 14, 1995
Raphael as strong as Batman
All the children in the playground were fighting Raphael, but he had suddenly become so strong that he was sending them all to the ground and his punches made them see the stars.
Suddenly, taking off his shirt, he noticed that he wore Batman's badge on his chest.
Monday, March 27, 1995.
Raphael disguised as a knight
Raphael disguised himself as a knight.
To look taller, he put stilts in his boots.
When people realized that his boots were empty they thought he must be a magician.
Full sized reproduction of Raphael’s studio
Cecile Donato Supama
Raphael’s WORDS Travelogue